Not too subtle, but appreciated.
"you try to talk to this man but he said to you that he stop just if you die or you live your country
A real man was take shotgun and shoot the son of $#%$#$! to death
this what israel do , protect thier citizen from terroriest that said that they want to delte israel from the map"
Ok, consider this. You live in your little house in the country. It's not much, but you like it, and it's been in the family for a few years now.
Suddenly some uppity out-of-towners turn up, forcibly evict you with the help of the removal company, make you live in a dog kennel in the garden, and - just for good measure - fence you in.
When you ask them what reason they have for this, they say that a man you might have heard of - although, he sounds rather different when they talk about him - told them that they were destined to live in your house.
Yeah, dude. They're totally protecting themselves from completely misguided extremists.
I honestly never knew quite how many Israel apologetics USA/UK propaganda had bred. Wake up, people. The enforced creation of the State of Israel was one of the most retarded things to come out of WWII. Let's just admit it was a mistake, and slap this playground bully back in line.
As for my actual review... The game was fun, if simple. The political bent wasn't subtle, but it is nice that people are still making these points.